Saturday 12 September 2015

Week 8 in Room 7 (and welcome to week9)....Miss Burt is back teaching =)

Wow - what a booster watching this was. 
Scarlett (Imogen's sister) wrote into the SEVEN SHARP programme about her buddy Alex & the club they have.

Great link for basic facts (maths) learning at home 


Room 7 are hosting SYNDICATE assembly this Tuesday at 945am
 - if you would like to attend ;)
Homework is for the children to get all their information for their NZ author study - must have their information - now it's time to work on their presentation. 
Ask your child who it is they have been studying AND how they are presenting their information. We have some great presenting skills going on in Room 7. 

Tuesday 15th - DHB dental bus will be at our school until the end of the year.
Tuesday 15th - HOCKEY tournament at Clareville.
Tuesday 15th - Hui held in our staffroom. 

This week - we will be doing a lot of singing
 - in prep for our WOW (Wearable arts show). 
Which is to be held Tuesday 22nd Sept =) 
To be held at night 630pm - all children to be at the school hall at 6pm =) 

HIWI THE KIWI - this Wednesday morning 9am - $4 to be in by then please
Also on Wednesday - Mr Mackay's birthday ;)

Thursday 17th - SOUP day - please give your child a safe cup to bring to school - to get some yummy vegetable soup =)

Rugby World Cup - starts this Friday - 18th September to 31st October. 
Few pics from last week - All Black's our school

Thanks to Sarah for coming in & helping Erana with her wearable arts costume =)

Milly leading us in the karakia.

Junior school production. We loved watching their show. Room 7 made lovely thank you cards. The children were put into pairs...they did a picCollage about 3 things they learnt from the show. And I put them together as a card for each junior class. 

Room 7 busy watchign =)

Ella & her mumma Kaye. 

Dylan leading the karakia. 

Miss Peters wishing Izzie a happy happy birthday =)

Happy birthday...

SHARP student Daisy =) well done Daisy x

Captivated - -  watching one of our inspirational vids...

Happy birthday dear Connor - your cupcakes were super yummy!!!

A very good read with strategies to help children who have anxiety:

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Week 8-9-10 in Room 7

Great link for questions to ask your child about their day at school:

New Zealand Author Study:
This note and information will be going home in home-learning books next Monday.
We will not have spelling words as the expectation is for your child to do some extra reading re: their author and get additional information they may need to about their chosen author.

Week 8 in Room 7...