Friday 7 November 2014

Week 4 - Phew-eeee

Kia ora all - A very big week for the children with all the testing they did!
Huge clap to them all!!!
The award goes to....

I just love these: While I was testing (one to one) I had the children fill out a 2014 small poster - they had to write out different things about being in Room 7.

One of the things was: I wish for room 7... (write a wish for Room 7)

Below are some of their replies;

- To be confident and never give up.
- To be awesome!
- To write more pass it on tickets.
- To be the best class in the school.
- 1. Luck 2. Peace 3. Goodness 4. To be a star.
- To be yourself and have fun.
- That everyone could stay in Room 7
- To keep moving on & never give up!
- To always be my friend. 
- To be happy & positive
- To be nice to everything.

What an awesome list written by 7, 8 and 9 year old children. 

PLEASE REMEMBER: SCHOOL athletics day this Tuesday. A notice went home on Friday with the timetable. 

School photos
A couple of comments I have to share. The afternoon before photos I was chatting to the children about looking good for the next day (photos).
1 boy said "I'm having a shower in the morning." I said "Well that's great!" Then he replied with "I HAVEN'T HAD ONE IN 3 DAYS!"
The other comment (& from another boy)..."Are we allowed to do our hair?" 
The next day - photo day, the 'said' boy's hair looked normal - and he said "I've got gel in my hair" ;)
Next minute Koby tells them all to look at his hair - and I was like "ooooh the Beiber looks" so next minute.....7 boys swishing their fringes to the side ;)
I love times like this - out of the mouths of babes!

The A&P show...I felt very proud to see Room 7's sock puppets on display. 
(Here is a photo of Michelle's taken through the caging ;)

Super SHARP students for week 4: 
Alex & Oscar - well done boys!
ENJOY THE PHOTOS of Character dress up day .... have an awesome week!