Sunday, 13 November 2016


GOOD LUCK to the Room 7 children going to Interschool athletics tomorrow....go hard!

Big celebrations in week 5 - well done to everyone who has moved up a reading level or a couple of levels...3 children Tyah, Charlie & Zac paid a wee visit to Mr Mackay - and wow - Principal stickers they got.
Great achievements in testing - a busy week - but we got there and great results =)

Well done Jacob for excellent reading - I love your expressing and fluency when you read. 
 BIRTHDAYS IN ROOM 7 - a wonderful week for birthdays - we had 2 new 8 year olds...Here is Harry with his birthday certificate.
On each child's b'day they have a chance to tell their special news about what they're doing for their b'day - prezzies & cake etc...

Kuini telling her special birthday news. 
OUR WONDERFUL BABY PHOTOS - now the guessing begins. 
Who is who?
On Monday the children will be filling in a form - and there is a prize for the winner!!
Who can guess the correct babies??

 Wonderful Māori art - Esther, Petra & Cam all received a certificate for their artwork that was displayed at the Clareville A & P show...Well done to you 3. But also to all the class for presenting such a master piece.

The next 2 weeks will see Room 7 students designing 1) An advertising poster to advertise our Totara Syndicate packaging expo and 2) Designing and creating their own food packaging. The children have been looking at different packaging - we have had great discussions on what makes a certain product stand out. 
The photos below show some of what we have been talking about:

What is a slogan? How are you going to sell your product? We have discussed 'jingles' wording - text/signs/pictures/photos etc...

 FRACTION we are using a pizza game to make a whole. Kane is using eighths to make his whole pizza. ....

Well done Ava, using fractions to make 1 whole. 

 We love the Wonky Donkey man - here he is Craig Smith - playing his guitar and singing the Wonky Donkey song (alongside his book).

Craig Smith's website:

Have a great week....

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