Friday, 3 April 2015

A good read...

holiday reading...

Love and approval are different. Loving your kids unconditionally is one thing, but that love doesn’t need to translate into constant, unconditional, 24/7 approval and praise of everything they do. You can love someone while redirecting their behavior or being disappointed by their actions. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
Modal Trigger
A recent study found that reading fiction helps people improve their empathy.Photo:
Read to them. A recent study found that reading fiction helps people improve their empathy, because it encourages them to place themselves in others’ lives and understand their actions. In that way, reading is like traveling — with your mind.
Run errands with them. Not all of life can be fascinating, interesting and wonderful, and no lesson reinforces that better than bringing your kids along on some errands. While the recent parenting emphasis on “quality time” is fine, boredom is its own powerful life lesson. So is the message that you have to spend a portion of each day doing things that are necessary, though not magical, and that not every activity revolves around 
Say no. A recent school of thought seems to treat “no” as a kind of ultimate buzzkill, a tamping down on childish creativity and artistic self-expression. This is nuts. It’s fine to tell your children no, especially when they’re trying to set something on fire. In fact, a lot of life is being told no and then trying to come up with alternative plans. They might as well learn this young, so it doesn’t come as a shock five minutes into their first job.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Last week of term 1

Kia ora Room 7 whānau,

Reminder: Anzac Day 25th April - (1st week back).
We need 44 children from our school (wearing uniform) to represent some of the fallen soldiers from Greytown during the World War 1, they will present a cross at the Anzac Day ceremony in Greytown.
Thank you to the children who have returned their forms to myself or Mrs Lyford.
First week back we will be looking more into Anzac Day and what it means.

HOLIDAYS - children PLEASE keep reading - visit the library.

Have a look at our wall of happiness...things that make us happy!

Room 7 held Syndicate assembly on Tuesday - the children spoke well.
We are learning to project our voices so that we are loud and clear. 

KIND & CARING students.

Written by Milly: Me, Angus and our brothers and sisters made a shop for Mrs R. We made signs and we stuck one on our mail box and we walked round the street with the other signs. We sold flowers, twigs and a fishing trip in our creek. We made $3.50! We had lots of fun. 
Pilaf making & fun with Cuddles: 
Written by Milly: In the weekend I made pilaf for dinner. Mum helped me and Cuddles watched. 
OPEN DAY - really nice to see Ella's grandparents visit us on open day (Wednesday). 
It was neat to have them look at the children's 'Treasure Fever' work.

 GARAGE SALE FOR Vanuatu - well done to Room 11 for hosting their garage sale. They raised over $200 for the children in Vanuatu. What a great idea and a success!!!!
 Room 7 with their goodies they bought at the garage sale.

 HAPPY EASTER ALL - may it be a happy & safe one. 

Look at Ella's gorgeous handwritten card and Easter Bunny. 
Thank you to the children for my special Easter treats (chocolate!!!) and lovely writing pad. 
Some great writing too from Sam BG and Abby. 

Take care.
Arohanui, Rachel