MOVIN’ MARCH with Room 7 is…

What do we feel, see, smell & hear when we scooter, skateboard, bike, walk, run or bus to school?
Arna & Khalia like feeling the breeze coming on to them and the leaves blowing on her.
Eva & Greta like feeling the grass under their feet and feeling the breeze on our faces.
Tommy & Freddy see houses and trees, when we go past the trees the leaves fall on us.
William, Tyler & Amelia taste the breeze on their tongues, they hear the whizzing cars.
Cam & Logan feel the spiky cicada skins on their hands as they saw them when they were scootering so picked them up.
Kaleb likes seeing some of his friends walking to school too.
Taylor & Grace like hearing the birds singing and they hear the breeze in their ears.
Hazel & Aisling hear the leaves rustle under their feet.
Katie & Annalise hear the cicadas buzzing and feel the crunchy leaves on their feet.
Tangaroa & Franklin when they bike to school they like to feel the wind in their faces, they hear their pedals going round and round.
Sam & Riley like walking on the footpath because they hear their loud footsteps. Riley likes it when he scooters and the wind is in his face.
Keiran & George like hearing their bike chain rattling and they see the acorns falling off the trees.
Isla and Maria hear the acorns crashing to the ground and feel the grass tickling their barefeet.