1) Petra's Grandma who lives all the way in Israel - and reads our blog - Hi Efrat =) from Room 7.
2) Alex Wos and his dear family who are now living in Canada - Hi Alex from a few of your old school mates. William, Mackenzie, Sophia, Harrison, Campbell, Petra, Liv, Annabelle, Esther & Fergus.
On the New Zealand map - have fun - find Greytown and places you have visited.
Explore the world map - find where Petra's Grandma lives and where Alex is living?
1) Israel
2) Canada
3) New Zealand
4) Places you may have visited
5) Places your parents have visited
6) Places you would LIKE to visit
Miss Burt is very lucky I have some special friends who are visiting from Australia. Find Australia on the world map.
Sandy used to work at our school, she left Greytown School to move to the Gold Coast in Australia. Where is that?
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Wow - we think it is cold here in Greytown. Here are Alex, Charlotte & Owen in the SNOW in Canada - how about that? Wouldn't we love to play in snow like this - hehe!! Please watch this video clip...Room 7 watched it. Here are some comments from the children after watching it. Thought provoking =) http://brightside.me/video/a-short-film-which-proves-that-life-is-the-most-wonderful-and-beautiful-gift-of-all-88905/ Discussion by Room 7 Why did mum give me the present? Mackenzie said that she's sure the mum gave the boy the present to say to him DON'T GIVE UP because you should live your life. Sophia said the boy was thinking he couldn't play with the present because it only had 3 legs. We stopped the video when the puppy brought the ball to the boy... Petra - the puppy wanted to play and the boy realised they both have a leg missing so he realised he had someone to play with. That the puppy was like him. Fergus - The boy felt guilty because he was mean to the puppy - at the end he realised they could play and the boy felt happy. Liv - Reminds the boy of his own missing leg and the boy realised he could do the same things as the puppy. Jet - The boy has lost a leg so he knows what it's like to have no one to play with. Mackenzie - The boy thought it wasn't kind to be nasty to people or animals just like him - it's just like teasing yourself. Jordyn - When the boy got the present - he saw the dog and threw it. He realised the dog couldn't play by himself so the boy decided to play with him. Ali - The boy might be thinking that there's more to the puppy than meets the eye. William - The dog might of reminded him of his old times when he used to have friends and play outside. Niysa - He became friends, the boy realised the dog couldn't play by himself so the boy became his friend. Dallas - It reminded the boy of his own lost leg. A TWEAK ON P.E.... On Friday we were outside continuing our cross country training. We played a new running game :Farmer farmer may I cross your river. After that we played chase the hare - Liv & Charlie were so fast!! Next we..... The photos below - show the race to a) get 20 leaves and then make a picture - hand up and yell out done so Miss Burt could get a photo =) Hi Grandma.... |
Boys at play - YAY real play!!!!
Room 7 AWESOME ALL group =) well done ALL. |
Busy making our punctuation & vocabulary pyramids. |