Friday, 1 July 2016

End of week 9....

Room 7 hosting Syndicate assembly this Tuesday 9.45am if you'd like to come and watch. 

The class are very good at saying these words in Mandarin. Here's the youtube clip to help your child/ren at home.

Well done to Kuini who is our SHARP student for week 9 - Kuini has been showing fantastic achievement in all her subject areas.

Matariki Art with our buddy class room 14
By Petra & Esther.

Here is our Matariki art

First we got a little square of paper, that had a picture on the front
and on the back there was some numbers and letters marking were things were. Then we buddied up with one of the room 14 studnets and enlarged the little square picture.
Look at our amazing Matariki Art below:

Go Room 7

SPEECHES - THE CHILDREN brainstormed what speeches are.
They now have the holidays to complete and work on their speeches.

Our new maths topic - Time...good brainstorming on time.

Ava & Sophia showing their analogue the flap and it tells the children the time in digital.

Ali & Max with their clocks

ALiM group - Ms Morgan worked with our ALiM group (maths) they did the below problem solving..

Tyah working her problem out.

Well done Ava fab maths!!

Well done Harry =)

Well done Max =)

Fab work Tyah =)

Monday, 27 June 2016

GOAL SETTING time - midyear.....

How can you be rewarded by reaching your goal?

Feel good inside because you have achieved it - Esther

William - You feel rewarded when you catch up to someone who you thought it would be hard to catch up to.

If you do your goal and you complete it - Fergus

Liv - You learn something so you feel happier eg: if you get higher on the basic facts ladder.

You feel like you can try another thing - Jet.

Dallas - When you finish your goal you're like WOW!!

You've done your best - Sophia.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Kia ora, 
Dates coming up. 
This Wednesday 29th June: our school Matariki celebration. If your child is in kapa haka they need to be in room 9 at 6.40am.
All other children and parents to meet by the junior playground for 7am start. 
We walk to the Matariki garden and have our celebration there.
The children have been practicing the actions to our school song and learning a new waiata.
It's going to be a very special morning. 
Following the ceremony - there will a sausage sizzle. 
At 9am there will be the whole school assembly to enjoy our Matariki art and an act. 

Week 10: Tuesday/Wednesday
A reminder that in order to make suitable times available for as many parents as possible school will close at 1.30pm on Tuesday 5th July. Buses however will run at the normal time with supervision being available for bus children between then and 3.00pm

Here is William leading the class in our school karakia. We say this every day and then the children turn to the child next to them and welcomes them to the new day. 

Liv reading her "toy" guest story. Each day the child who has been sitting in the 'caught ya' chair, chooses a soft toy guest to take home along with a journal to write their adventures in. 

Birthday month - happy birthday to Esther. When a child has a birthday we sing happy birthday in Māora and English. The birthday child then tells the class their birthday news. 

Esther sharing her special birthday news. 

Beginning of time - our new maths topic is time. Here we are explaining am/pm - what do we call 12am and 12pm?
PLEASE PLEASE - help your child with telling the time. It can be a hard concept for some children so any help you give them at home is so worth it. 

Contraction work - you will see our new display in our cloak bay. The children did a great job with their contractions. 

Esther with her contraction work. 

Petra (Hi Grandma)......working diligently doing her spelling work. 
 WACKY WIG DAY. Thank you to all the children who participated in this. In our class we raised $27 so $1 per child (average). The whole school raised $340. A great cause - Child Cancer. 
Now - who is this green haired student? Do we have a new student - I can see his twin in the red wig!! =) 

Well done Room 7 and your wacky wigs.

A few children from room 7 made the local paper - the Times-Age visited and took some photos of the wacky wig students. 

 KINDNESS JAR. For part of our bullying unit we looked at how when you do something kind to another person it makes them feel good, warm, better, loved etc......but when you do something not kind it hurts that person. An example I used with room 7 was each time we heard or saw someone doing a kindness to someone else we put 1 marble in the jar....but if there was something mean said or done 2 marbles were taking out. (Which HURT). 
BUT WELL done room 7 their jar was on Friday we had our fun morning watching Gangsta Granny (the book we are reading at the moment). The children brought a toy and blanket to school to get cozy to watch Gangsta Granny. 
 On the same morning we celebrated Kane's 8th birthday - here he is with a pass the parcel I had done for Kane and the class.

Kane and SUPER SHARP 7. 

Douglas helping PASS the parcel. 

Yay go Room 7 you so deserved this KINDNESS TREAT. 

DOUGLAS was a great helper and was helping me hand things out to the children. 
Happy happy birthday Mr Kane - 8

Snack time.
Enjoy the slideshow - on Friday we spent time with our buddy class - the seniors in room 14. We did Matarki art. The children were awesome and the art looks fabulous.