Friday, 21 July 2017

Welcome back to term 3 in SUPER SHARP SEVEN...

Hi all - yay.....back to school. 

Here are some photos I found of our wonderful Room 7 students:
Here we have Charlie and Tommy playing one of our new games...I wonder who won?

Yay, good old Beetle game. Caitlin, Aisling, Greta and Katie. 
 The MARSHMALLOW TOWER challenge ---- I did post some wonderful videos via Seesaw when we did these challenges. The students were amazing with their discussions and how they worked together.

Amelia, Charlie and Cam worked very well together. 

Here is William sharing some news with the class. 

This was a MAGIC moment but silly Miss Burt can't remember what it was that Charlie said - it was a YES maybe Charlie you can remind me on Monday =) 

Isla sharing news with the class. 
One of my favourites.

This letter will be going home with your child on Monday - a lot to look forward to:
23.07. 2017 Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 12.26.48 PM.png

Dear Room 7 families,
WELCOME back to term 3, a fun and busy term ahead.
Uniform: Please make sure all your child’s uniform items are named.
Home learning:
Goes home on a Monday and in on the Friday. Mainly consists of: Reading, basic facts and spelling. I like to add SHARP-ness into this too.
Seesaw learning journal: If you haven’t joined up, please do so as a lot of photos and videos of your child gets posted on here. Your child has taken their login home for you … if you are having trouble joining, please come and see me.
Inquiry topics:

Our big art and drama topic is ‘Wearable Arts - there will be more information sent out about this in the term, especially when we will need some help in class and also the dates we will be presenting our Totara Wearable Arts Catwalk show =) Each class has a different theme and music. Room 7’s theme is based on Māori legends...back in the beginning. It all ties into our overall Inquiry - Living Landscapes.
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  • Our big Inquiry topic is: Living Landscapes and looking at green spaces (A natural open space containing grass, plants, animals, trees and or forest).
  • The children will be learning that they are a part of their local environment - you, your school and neighbourhood are part of a bigger ecosystem.
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If any of you or if you know of anyone that could come and talk to the children on either of the above topics - please let me know.
Term 3 in Room 7 … =)
Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 12.16.42 PM.pngHere’s to a great term in Room 7 & at Greytown School.Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 5.17.53 PM.png
Rachel Burt
Class teacher, Room 7: Email: