Saturday, 22 November 2014

Welcome to week 7! Yes...week 7

Kia ora all,
Wow - eeee.....can you believe how fast this term is FLYING? Such a busy one....with such a lot to do.

Well done to the children from Room 7 who attended Interschool athletics last Wednesday - you all did well and very proud of the effort that you all put in.

To our Kapa Haka performers - He tino pai! You have done a lot of performances recently (just yesterday at Cobblestone's open day) - AWESOME EFFORT BY YOU ALL!

I hope you have enjoyed the updates on here from during the week, the children really enjoyed the clip about the pygmy seahorses, do make sure you watch it. (Good discussion...).

1 of our SHARP students for Week 6 was Schalk - "A" for ACHIEVEMENT. Schalk has worked very hard this year and he has had some amazing results. Well done Schalk.

REMINDERS for upcoming events:
* Tuesday 25th Nov: Mrs Clark will be teaching in R7. I have a Syndicate planning day for next year. (eek!)
* Monday 1st Dec: Circus performers at school - please have the $4 to school by this Friday - thank you!
* Tuesday 2nd Dec: OUR trip to Pukaha Mt Bruce
* PLEASE REMEMBER TO RETURN your child's permission slip & the $15 (thank you!)
* Friday 5th Dec: JUMP ROPE FOR HEART - Room 7 have a 15 minute slot where we will be skipping - join us if you would like - our time is...11.15am
* Wednesday 10th Dec: ALL library books in please.
* Wednesday 17th Dec: Last day of term 4 (get the tissues out!)

 Cameron's dad sent some photos through - here is Cameron talking to the class about his family and himself going to Speedway. Can you notice SOMETHING at the front right of Cameron's dad's racing car? OH DEAR!! The children enjoyed listening to Cameron - and to see the photos....quite exciting!

Amy is showing us the big trophy she won for her calf at the A&P show, alongside the smaller trophy. Amy shared with the class how much work has gone into getting her calf ready for these shows. She has been busy every day after school, going to her neighbours to feed, groom, walk & care for  the calf.
In one of her ideas for reducing waste (Inquiry) Amy said that you could save your food scraps and give them to the neighbour's animals - good thinking Amy!

Happy Birthday to Tahirih - is Tahirih with her birthday certificate after the class sang her that special song!
And just on a special note for me - tomorrow is my daughter Amelia's 10th birthday. 24.11.14. So we have had a very exciting weekend filled with friends, love, laughter & FUN! I remember turning 10 and my older brother saying to me "you'll never be single digits again!" - funny some things we remember: Happy birthday to my darling daughter "Amelia Rose"

For those of you who are on facebook there is a challenge going around = to take daily photos of children laughing. 
Look at these delightful shots: 

Some words of wisdom:
Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

Laughter is good for your health

  • Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
  • Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
  • Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
  • Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
For something to look at over the next few days - or weeks - these photos & videos are amazing. They are good to use for writing prompts. Show your child - and have some fun!

And another awesome website of a woman I so admire: Celia Lashlie.
Quote from Celia's website: "Every child is born pure and filled with their own particular brand of magic."
Have a really good week - be safe - be happy - take care!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Wednesday update...Mt Bruce form & an exciting app ...

Hi all,
A notice went home today (well two actually) - one for permission for your child to go on the Pukaha Mt Bruce trip & one telling about the DISCO! (Woohoo!!)
Part of the the Pukaha Mt Bruce notice - that went home today Wednesday 19th Nov. 

And...this app which we downloaded today called:
It is free to download for a limited time. 
You do have to download a target (which is the piece of paper I am holding). - print it out. 

Only a couple of children had a go using it - but if you have an ipad or an iphone it's pretty funky and cool to have a play with. Below are 3 photos of us 1st using it. 

Monday, 17 November 2014

Octopoems...8 line formula & the circus...

Kia ora, We are starting to write Ocotpoems. (See below).
This notice went home today with your lovely child =)

1 = a colour
2 = a season
3 = a place
4 = a type of weather
5 = a type of clothing
6 = a piece of furniture
7 = a TV show
8 = a type of food

Koby's Octopoem :
Poppa is the sparkling blue
He is the Summer time (good season for fishing)
At Ngawi
A nice sunny day
A safe lifejacket
A hard boat seat
The ITM Fishing Show
A nice cold...brown drink ;)
Ruby's Octopoem:

Anna is sparkling light pink
She is the Summer time
In a warm Ozzie classroom
A hot flowing breeze
She is a cool, funky, flowery top
A comfy purple beanbag
The Millionaire's Hotseat
A solid creamy Easter egg