Friday, 17 April 2015

Welcome back - term 2 - off we go

Kia ora....
CROSS COUNTRY - lock the date in - Wednesday 29th April.
Hope your child has been doing lots of running around during the holidays ;) I have! ;)
We are so lucky to be able to use the Barton's farm land....look at the view!
For our new families this is a lovely day for the children, bring a picnic and sit alongside your child while they await their run and relax afterwards ;)

Please see previous blog (below) 
We will be doing a lot of discussion on Anzac Day this week. 
I have some good clips I will show the children so will share some on here. 

Please remember that Monday 27th April - there is no school as it's Anzac day observed.
(1st time in NZ)

I hope you've all got your creative hats on ;)
The children will start their sketches of what they'd like to do for our 'circus theme'
I still need help with some "fabulous circus music"........
By the end of the term we will have made our wearable arts - and this will lead into a syndicate show next term. 
Wish us well ;) 

PLEASE PLEASE we need all your old junk - ANYTHING! 

Material - wool - string - old socks - stockings - hats - shells - milk bottle lids (clean) - plastic - netting - anything......

PE - In weeks 4, 5 and 6 we will be doing hockey skills with Sharon from Hockey Wairarapa. 
The school participated in this last year and the students loved it. 
Chinese lessons - Zhang Zhang  will continue to teach Mandarin on Fridays. 
This term will also see the children presenting speeches and presenting keynotes based on their Inquiry topic. Phew-wee a lot to do....but so exciting!!

You will see on the wall in Room 7 the outline of all subject areas, this shows what we will be covering this term. 
Here's to a great term!
See you all on Monday - Love Miss Burt =)
A cool little activity you too can do at home:
Choose a number -now follow the steps below .... 
Start with an easy number then try a tricky one.