Friday, 28 August 2015


Miss Peter's had her 1st week teaching in Room 7 - alas Miss Burt was back in on Thursday - and I must say the children missed Miss Peters (LOL).

A notice will go home on Monday asking that all wearable arts costumes be in class on Wednesday.
The children are going to be assessing their own and a friend's creation. 

A reminder of the hui at Papawai marae this Tuesday from 5pm.

Friday 11th September: Teacher only day.

Tuesday 22nd September: Wearable Arts Show.

Friday 25th September: Last day of term 3 and OUR HORROR PARTY day. 
Children will dress up.
Imogen leading the class in the karakia.

Phoebe using the iPad to record what she is doing. 
 Flora our Mandarin teacher.
Miss Peters leading the class in science (density)

Special visitor Sally from Wales. Sally is a teacher at a school in Wales whom are class are going to be penpals with.

We are going to write to the class  and wait for their replies. 

Room 7 and Sally from Wales.

Riley telling the class some news.
Super SHARP Imogen - well done!

Lots of birthdays.....
Bella turned 9

Abby turned 9 

Xaivier turned 9

And Sadie turned 8 

Sadie showing her special birthday crystal

Sadie & Xaivier both got crystals for their birthdays.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Hi to our friends in Canada and Wales..

Hi Alex and Owen all the way in Canada,
Room 7 send you a big KIA ORA - and a have fun in Canada!!

And.. kia ora to Sally and her class all the way in Wales - thank you for visiting Room 7 and telling the class all the interesting facts about Wales and your school.

We look forward to being penpals.

Hi de hi =)

Hi Owen, Amelia & Alex xxx

Mr Friendship Bear doing weights....



Apologies that details are a little slow arriving for this important Hui. The following is a notice explaining the event. Please also note that the final numbers need to be in tomorrow for the Hangi. I'm happy for you to either email me direct or send a note in with your child.

Rachel Burt

Kiaora All
The time for the Hui next week has been changed and so we will need Kapahaka students to arrive at Papawai at 4:15pm for a practise run through on site.  The hui will begin at 5pm now not 5:30pm. This should mean your child is free to leave around 5:30pm.

This Hui is intended to be about building relationships between education sectors, maraes and community.  With this in mind, all parents of our school are invited.  The evening will start with a powhiri/welcome, short performance from Greytown kapahaka, related stories and history of Papawai, followed by a hangi. Our students may leave after their performance if they wish as it is a particularly big week for students with Artsplash, hui and science fair.

The hangi is being put on by Kuranui and Papawai.

All are welcome to share the hangi. There is no charge for this, but it is essential we know numbers of those attending for catering purposes. Hangi will not be provided for kapa haka unless you let us know that your child is staying on for this with you.  The final day to let us know if you wish to partake in the hangi is tomorrow. Please let Mrs Jones know or e-mail the office.

A reminder that following the kapahaka performance, parents will be responsible for their children.
Students need to wear tidy school uniform, including shoes and hair brushed please. Students will enter straight onto the marae as they have already been welcomed. They will assemble outside the dining hall ready for their rehearsal and instruction on programme order and protocol. Students being collected by parents after will assemble by the gates around 5:30pm.  Please be aware the hui will still be in progress then.

Rhonda Jones
Syndicate leader

Monday, 24 August 2015

Go....our lil RIPPERS....

Here's some shots from last Tuesday and the ripper rugby tournament that some of Room 7 children went to: