Saturday, 3 December 2016

Monday 12 December - informal event for Kevin assembly at 2:00 pm for past & present students & parents followed by refreshments

Last day - Thursday 15th December. School finishes at 1pm - pick up from Kuranui College - outside the hall.

 Enjoy the photos below of our Totara Inquiry PACKAGING EXPO - was great to see a lot of parents - some very happy children.
I was so proud of Room 7 - our display of packaging was thorough, the children had done an advertisement advertising their item.
Last weekend Miss Burt had a sneaky vote - well done to Jet, Esther, Petra and Elliot for their creations. 

Special certificates went to Max & Annabelle for being super SHARP. 

Kane with his 2 sisters...

Mackenzie and her Mumma.

Room 7 - watch out the world of supermarkets - Room 7 are on their way. 

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Fantastic Pukaha Mt Bruce day trip..

What an amazing visit - despite the light sprinkling of rain ;) to see a whio up close, 2 kereru flying rapidly above us in the new free flight aviary and to see the beautiful Kokako - BIRD OT THE YEAR 2016.  

Monday, 28 November 2016

Tuesday 29th November 2016 in super SHARP 7.

The year 4's are working on a student profile - this will be handy for their teacher next year.
Logan came up to me and did not know what this question meant:
What do teachers' do to help you?
I asked him what he thought it meant - he answered they help me learn - I was like how/why etc..

To make it easier for him I put the question to the whole class - they talked in pairs and came up with lots of different ways teachers' help them.

- Explain things in an easier way

- If you didn't do your best in a test the teacher could tell  you all the good stuff you can do. 

- Hear both sides.

- Treat you nicely

- Teach you new things for next year - forever.

- Make your own choices - 1 slice of behaviour can change your whole life (I really like this one)

- If you're playing handball and the children don't agree the teacher can help work it out with the children.

- Talk to you  - if you think you're not good at it - the teacher can tell you - YOU ARE!

- New vocabulary- Help you if you are stuck - if you don't understand something

- Hard maths question - break the problem down.

- Keep you safe.

- The teacher is here to help you like a friend.

- Teaches you to treat yourself nicely.

- Choose new tactics to figure out questions - strategies.

 - Fightings not the answer - sometimes just get over it.

- How to be SHARP.

- Rewards when we do the right thing.

- Helps when we're busy, do stuff just for you.