Friday, 26 May 2017

The week that was...Week 4 in Room 7 =)

A big big thank you to Sam's Nana Lynn for the wonderful maths games she has made Room 7. The children have been playing with the games so much. 
Such appreciation for this very generous gift to our children. 
We found out Lyn likes peanut slabs so we stuck a few sneaky bars onto Lynn's thank you cards from the children. 
 Junior Enviro Group: This is held once a fortnight in a 2nd lunchtime...I was very proud on Wednesday as the only children to turn up were from Room 7. Here they are with recycled envelopes that we they have decorated - the envelopes will house the sunflower seeds we got from our school sunflowers. We are then going to sell the seeds - the money will go towards some new seedlings for different plants.
 BRIDGE BUILDING...for our Golden Time on Friday we decided to have a structure making - the purpose of this was to see who could build the highest, most sound structure. Using 20 skewers, 16 marshmallows .....
This is a pre try using paper to build a bridge. We had cars to see if the bridge we made was stable.
Great conversations around - why their bridge didn't hold.
Look at the base of the bridge - was the paper folder sharp enough? 


Look at these 2 SHARP brothers - Sam and his little brother William on our mufti day.

Great buds, Charlie and William. 

Woooooo huge successes - a lot of certificates were given out for partner spelling testing (100%), wonderful writing and other successes in the children's work. 

 SEA MONKEYS - our new class pets...

Much excitement with these: We ordered them online and worked out how much they were going to cost with postage. 
We then read the instructions on how to grow the sea monkeys and when to feed them. 
We had some fun realising that our first feeding day (day 5) would be Sunday - so phew ----- lucky Miss Burt can come in and feed them. 

Our first syndicate assembly for the year: great to see the classes performing class haka - challenge time!!!

SHARP student Charlie - well done to Charlie - Caitlin and Nara for being the SHARP students in Room 7 this week.
Charlie for great writing and publishing.
Caitlin for fitting in so well to her new classroom and school.
Nara for good reading and work. 

KEEPING OURSELVES SAFE: Here are some Room 7 students working with students from R11. They were discussing and writing about how they keep themselves safe at school, home, playground and in the community. Some great discussion and I'm sure Constable Keely was super impressed when she was in talking to Room 7 on Wednesday. 
Next week's home learning will be about the students talking to their mum, dad, nana (whom ever they live with at home) about safety plans. (Emergency plans).