Friday, 19 September 2014

Last week of school - Week 10. 22-26th September 2014

Kia ora,
Welcome to the last week of term 3.
SHARP STUDENTS week 8 - for SHARPness!
George & Michelle 
Interesting news - George found a rooster's spur. Good conversation re: what a spur was.
Which led to talk about what a terrace was (as George found the spur on the terrace at his home). We discussed how vocabulary is incredible and  how some words mean the same but have different spellings.

The class were impressed with Ma'a Nonu the All Black. Schalk went to the game, so we had a bit of a talking point about the game. We shared how Ma'a broke his arm - but even so he was able to PASS ON THE KINDNESS by taking off his All Black shirt and giving it to Jean de Villiers. (100th test match). 

COOL contractions - ask your child what a contraction is...we made windows - eg: could not = couldn't.

FOR SALE: Shkhan's Joke Book - a bargain at $1.00

If you would like to order a joke book please place an order either through Miss Burt (email) or visit Room 7 to view the fantastic book ;)
Room 7 along with Shkhan have decided the money made will go towards adopting a mountain gorilla... also some of the proceeds will go towards Shkhan's chosen charity Camp Quality. 

Room 7 were awesome - we put a business plan together. As a class we discussed: Who we could market this product to, the cost, how much to sell it for, how we were going advertise it, what could we do to get people interested.
Some fantastic discussion and I love this: 1 child said we could sell it to the Rest Homes in Greytown as the people in there need a laugh" - then the conversation changed to Koby's Poppa and how he loves to laugh, so the class decided we would buy Koby's Poppa a joke book and Koby could tell him the jokes. 
I like the conversation Shkhan & I had - I said we could sell the book for 20 cents and he said "no way - sell it for $4.00". We decided $4.00 was a bit much!! (Especially when I pointed out the book only has 5 jokes). 
So a great learning lesson for all involved - making it real!
We even had a bit of a maths addition lesson - when on Friday some books had been sold - so adding up the money as a class - $17! Wow!

THIS IS SOOOOOOOO exciting - look what is coming to Te Papa - I know I have  a few dinosaur enthusiasts in Room 7 - (even Miss Burt!!). 

Next term for library studies we are going to be looking at NZ authors:
Here is a brilliant link to have a look at over the holidays (I love this site)

Love your little one =) our gorillas that we are quite fascinated with at the moment. Some great Pic Collages made with gorilla facts. 

I wish......
Please pop into class and see the fabulous 'I wish' writing and pictures the children have created on the app Pic Collage, using the ipad. 
This children had to take a side view photo of their friend. 
Add a dandelion (to represent them blowing a wish)
Their wish is to do with the environment (our new Inquiry topic "litter free lunches')

Just a word on writing - we have been doing a bit of writing lately on the iPads. The children were quite fascinated when Grace mentioned mountain gorillas in her speech. So from there the children worked in pairs, and researched mountain gorillas. They had to write 4 facts and include pictures. 
We are reading Christian the Lion at the moment, so the other day the children researched facts about Christian and again used pic collage to display the facts and photos. 
Sometimes I print these out and other times they are on the iPad. 
This fits in so nicely with our writing focus which is report writing. 

Holiday fun - fingerprint art.

  • Dental forms went home on Friday. Please complete asap and return to school. The dental bus will be here term 4.
  • 24th September - hockey festival - 12.30 - 1.30 (Totara Syndicate)
  • 26th September - LAST DAY for term 3!
  • 27th - Aratoi childrens art exhibition - 3 children from Room 7 have art in this. 
  • Greytown School Agricultural Day, Wednesday 22nd October. PET DAY. Art will be displayed in the hall. (2nd week of term 4).
Enjoy looking at the photos of our measuring week, Tahirih's soccer prizegiving, Room 5 paying us a visit wearing their wearable arts. 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Need help...pleeeeease!

Is there a parent or a grandparent out there that could help the wonderful Nicole Heard with a small group of children in our school vegetable garden once a week. It's low key - a great bunch of children, and Nicole is FANTASTIC!! Please let me know.......

Kid President update...

Hi all,
The class watched this this morning and again loved it - fits in nicely with us making sock puppets for our 3D junk art.

This clip is good too it shows....tv3 news - sock monkeys. In the clip is a boy Ollie I know. Ollie was a boy I was going to look after on Camp Quality (sadly his cancer came back so he couldn't attend BUT his brother went on camp instead). He is the one looking for Susan =) the children loved him looking for Susan.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Welcome to SUPER SHARP 7 week 9: 15th September - 19th September...

Hi all,
S.O.S - we will be making art out of recycled junk - I've decided we will make sock puppets - so please hunt out any SPARE odd SOCKS ;), buttons, stuffing to fill the sock puppets with.... (any sewing you can see from photo..this is what we're aiming for). 

Thank you to the children for wearing ODD SHOES on Friday and getting into the spirit of supporting a great charity 'CAMP QUALITY' -  for children living with cancer.
The conversations were great "Imagine wearing a high heel & a sneaker, I was going to wear my pink slipper & a pink shoe but my pink shoe was too small when I put it on, I was going to wear a stompy & a converse"...
 Spot the shoe owners...

Guess who??

Match the top half to the feet ;)

Wow ROOM 7 awesome effort! The children really got into this. I showed them a slideshow of my last camp - they were oohing and aahing! The children who go on camp really have such a good time - it's all about them being kids, trying new challenges, making new friends & HAVING F U N! I have enjoyed the 2 times I have attended camp as a companion & have been blessed.

Awesome moment - I showed the children a slideshow of photos I took when I was on camp. Kune kune pigs were on the slideshow and I asked the children if they knew what kune kune pigs were? I said they have the same name as the man who discovered NZ...I LOVE THE ANSWERS ...
"God" "Adam someone...." "Maui"  "Adam & Eve" "Captain Cook"

 Measuring Isaac's very clean foot! We learnt a bit of a fact...that your foot measure should be the same measure as between your wrist and elbow. So the children used their rulers to give this a go. For the majority, this was true. 

 LITTER FREE lunch boxes - our new inquiry topic. For one day we saved the litter from our lunch boxes. Yesterday Esther from Enviro schools came in and with a group of children did an audit. 
We will see the results next week. 
 Going through the rubbish. Was a lovely job but someone had to do it! I was very impressed with the class - we watched a couple of you tube clips about the effect of litter on our world. Afterwards in a matter 5 minutes the children did a rubbish pick up around the school. The comments were fabulous "gee this string could strangle a bird" - "this could choke a hedgehog" they had taken on board what they had learnt from the clips.

Woohoo - Principal's award..Go Sam...

We had to measure: Average Joe, Headless, Tailless & Mr Stretch snakes ;)
We estimated their lengths and then measured. How good were our estimates??
 Buddy work - Michelle & Grace..
 Boston & Sepp
 Claudia & Emma...
 Cameron & Bailey...
 Archie S & Lachie...
George & Sam...

SHKHAN's JOKE book...Shkhan has been attending a writing group with our teacher aide Angie. On Friday Shkhan was up to the illustrating stage. Emma & Michelle kindly offered to help him do this - while they were outside Shkhan was talking about how they could mass produce his joke book and sell it (profits going to Camp Quality ;)
How cool is this....I found this on my desk one morning - hehe

 MUFTI DAY FUN - thank you Greytown School Room 7 for supporting Wairarapa Cancer Society and Camp Quality Central/Wellington region..
 Last session of hockey with Sharon Gates...
 Here we are SUPER SHARP 7 with hockey skills coach Sharon Gates..

The life of the rich & famous....Guess where our Schalk is? 

  • Dental forms went home on Friday. Please complete asap and return to school. The dental bus will be here term 4.
  • Good luck and have fun to the children who are attending the DANCE SWAP at Kuranui College on Tuesday. All your hard work has paid off! 9.30am Kuranui College this Tuesday.
  • 26th September - LAST DAY for term 3!
  • Greytown School Agricultural Day, Wednesday 22nd October.