Friday, 22 August 2014

WEEK 6 - August 25th - 29th

Kia ora,
A reminder that the school will be closed on Monday 1st September for a staff professional development day.

Thank you to the parents that have nominated me - very humbling, BUT WHEN I SAW THE SCHOOL CAN WIN PRIZES I'M LIKE RIGHT....LET'S SEE IF WE CAN WIN SOMETHING?
I know last year Deb Dennes who does an amazing job with the Central Regional Health School was a runner up in her category - (Koby's mum) ... inspiration right there!!
When you go onto the link - (should take you right to the vote) you do have to register, if you get lost, go to region: Wellington, school: Greytown, teacher: Miss Burt ;)
You don't have to nominate - just vote.  (Thanking you =)

I love reading, and sometimes just find the right sayings that give me that "aha" moment:
I'd like to share this with you:

"Life is a tapestry of people weaving in and out of your life, people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Everyone has something to offer and share with you. Imagine treating every person you encounter, no matter how fleeting, as an intriguing story waiting to be told. But the story can only be told if someone asks to hear it. Will you ask? That person you see standing before you, no matter who they are, young or old, rich or poor, angry or kind, is like a blockbuster movie ready to enthral you. But, first you have to buy a ticket."

What is your story?

  • Where were you born?
  • Where do you live now?
  • What makes you smile?
  • What is the most important life lesson you’ve learned so far?
  • What is your deepest fear?
  • What is your greatest dream for your life?
  • Who are you?
WE LOVED HAVING Archie S's Poppa Rex and Nana Margaret in on Friday afternoon - this gave the children a great chance to ask (amazing) questions & to practice taking notes. I was impressed with the level of questions.
Some examples: What did you have to do to reach your dream? 
Ruby L presenting Rex & Margaret with a thank you card.

Thanks for visiting us Nana Margaret & Poppa Rex.

Super SHARP students for week 5 ....were....
Well done to Amy & Claudia - for being SHARP...helping others & telling a teacher when there was a problem. Amy enjoyed her SHARP treat which was helping in Room 3...and Claudia had a bit of free time on the laptop.

WOW Monday morning certificate time.....3 EXCELLENCE  awards went to Caitlin, Ruby M & Koby for fantastic reading logs...all filled out & up to date. Ruby Leigh got the FRIENDSHIP award, Ruby is a super friend & helper in Room 7. Oscar, Theo, Amy, Sam for awesome homework - wow a lot of auction dollars earnt.

Wonderful children who had brought their reading log in this week KEEP UP THE GREAT READING - KOBY HAS NOW READ 150 NIGHTS!!!!

Miss Burt decided last weekend that our Minnie, Mickey, Ted & Paddington Bear were a bit lonely. So we had a draw (homework super people)...and Archie S, Sepp, Bella & Theo got to take them home for the night. Bit of exciting stories the next day telling us what the toys got up to (LOL).

WEEK 5 IN ROOM 7 - ENJOY .......

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Staff meeting this afternoon...

We were put on the spot - we had to write & share...(eeek...) Caragh (Ms Briggs) our Environment leader at school asked us to write a piece about what we have done at Greytown School .... we are now  a GREEN/GOLD Enviro School (yay).
P.s....this isn't a finished piece - but we were asked to share it to show our children that we have to write too (hehe).

Nau Mai, Haere Mai

As a staff member & a parent of Greytown School I am very PROUD to say that we are a GREEN/GOLD
Environment School. 
This MEANS that we are as environmentally sustainable as possible.

Now this didn’t happen over night - but it did happen!

What is Sustainability? (link de link!)

Over a number of years, many hardworking souls -  teachers, students, parents and members of our community have worked together to improve Greytown School’s Environment.
This is a venture that started as a group of minds coming together, it is a venture that will continue on into the lives of our future generations.

From crawlies flowing freely in the sparkling, running north creek to the pride of place gateway of tree laden Matariki garden. In between these two magical, mystical places is the gorgeous growing ground of Greytown School - growing  learning, SHARP, experimental, loving, kind  21st century students to work and play amongst a sustainable environment.

Where red and green bins are used to teach children to REUSE, RECYCLE, REDUCE!
Daily visits to busy classrooms to collect food waste, to then be presented to eagerly awaiting hungry worms - the circle of life, they eat...
Worm wees  and crusty compost to lie on top of our gorgeous garden...

The overflowing vegetable garden where golden carrots, crunchy potatoes, leafy green silverbeet, sprightly herbs and pumpkins heave out of their soils to produce hearty soups for children on a cold winter’s morn. These same vegetables are baked or cooked by the super hero Mrs Heard, who with her sleeves rolled up, she digs in, digging up the vegetables with a group of studious Environment group students.

The life cycle...we plant, we grow, we eat…
We want our children to be living in an environment like we were..
clean, green, mean machines!

Week 4 (2nd edition)...

Hi all - I am feeling much better and spent some good hours in school today - missed my Room 7! Wow - neat to see the work the children have done with Mrs Hopkins & Mrs Walker! Well done Room 7 =)

WOW such SUPER SHARP homework over $150 auction dollar students!

Bella being a busy bee - using Pic Collage on the ipad after reading an article (non-fiction reading). 

Smile on your dile - thank you Michelle. Miss Burt was in school today, Sunday and WOW to get such a neat cheer me up picture in the class letterbox =) thank you!

Ruby M - what a super duper GET WELL'll be working for Hallmark before we know it!

A nice shoot, bang, hit...get well picture from Boston - love it! I love the read & black rainbow!

SHARP STUDENT (for week 4) Mr Koby Dennes for displaying being SHARP in telling a teacher.  

HOMEWORK: Because I only just got the homework books marked today (Sunday) - I'm not sure if the children have done their spelling partner testing...(I'll have to check with the children 2moro)
this week - I will give the children a syllable activity to do and also to keep working on getting INFORMATION, INFORMATION, INFORMATION for their speech..
I was blown away today - some children have got a lot of information for their speech! WOW - EEE......
Have a good week all - and remember to check the new links on the righthand side on here, the blog... =)
Enjoy Room 7's wonderful writing & ipad links. 

Finally remember there is a teacher only day on Monday 1st September.  School will be closed for teacher professional development.