Saturday, 17 September 2016

Week 8 in SUPER SHARP seven - and welcome to week 9.

Please have all your child's uniform named. A lot of clothing is turning up to lost property unnamed. 

Dates for your diary: 
-  Monday 19th September - school photos for our syndicate - look SHARP.
-  Clean up NZ week this week 9
-  Friday 23rd September - last day of term 3

TERM 4 - Week 2 - Tuesday 18th October - Pet Day. Please have your child's completed pet day form returned to school. 
School finishes at 12.30pm this day.

- Week 3 - Monday 24th October - LABOUR DAY, no school

- Week 4 - Tuesday 1st November - School athletics (postponement date: 3/11/16)

- Week 4 - Wednesday 2nd November - WORLD record haka challenge.

 Woohoo - Room 7 Olympic reading challenge - here are our BRONZE medalists: Congratulations on completing a lot of tasks: Logan, Mackenzie, Campbell and Niysa.
 Here is Mackenzie with her bronze 3rd place (excuse the bronze)....and her certificate.
 Woohoo - SILVER medalists - these children nearly completed all the tasks. Well done Annabelle, Jacob, Liv and Charlie.
 Athletics training has started - below is a map of the activities we will be doing. Last week Room 7 started sprint training. This week will be quoit throwing. Term 4 brings the vortex throw, high jump and long jump. And we will continue the circuit in preparation for the school athletics day on Tuesday 1st November 2016.
 SUPER SHARP SEVEN students, congratulations to Elliot and Petra. Elliot has picked himself up - and has shown that he can be super SHARP and get his work done. Petra has a SHARP certificate for all round SHARP work.
 I love this - on Friday I had the statement: Things you should do as a family in the weekend.
The children - THINK, PAIR AND SHARE their ideas.
I really love Fergus's - "Do the washing" LOL.
Some good ideas....

Our OLYMPIC gold medalists - Petra and Esther - great work girls. 
 Below is the pet day notice that went home with your child on Friday - please fill it in with first & last names, room number, syndicate, house and what your child will be bringing to pet day.

Have a great week!!

Monday, 12 September 2016

Monday - It's not a planet IT'S OUR HOME

Reminders to have photo money back (orders) taken next Monday 19th September.
Also - ALL and ALiM groups - celebration on Tuesday 20th September at 1.30pm in school library.
ALL: Jet, Liv, William, Elliot (4)
ALiM: Tyah, Harry, Max, Ava (4)
Invites went home on Tuesday 13th September. =)

the class watched this clip:

The children were asked to describe this view of earth.

"A big round ball with swirly white spaces - surrounded by darkness."

Esther - A mass of marble with white and blue spilt over it.

Cam - A big round sphere that has lots of different colours on it.

Petra - Earth is a ball of green and blue, it's my DESTINATION. Earth - where most living things come from...a world of life, lovely and lively. But from here - it's just surrounded by black. 

Fergus - A big ball exploded with colours.

Kuini - A face with no mouth, no ears, no eyes and chin.

Charlie - White coloured with big blobs of green, big dots and huge humongous blue spaces like a marble. 

Jet - A colourful round huge thing, I saw it in is cloudy. It is covered in darkness.....IT IS EARTH.