So far the children - have their idea both in their heads and on paper.
- They have written down the materials they need.
- Drawn their design.

Any help you may be able to give in class would be appreciated....if you have a sewing machine and would like to bring that in - do so. (May not be used?) 😅 Hot glue guns are a definite favourite when making these creations, so to have extra adult hands is great.

I had a lovely note left for me from one of our relievers Phil who was in Room 7 on Tuesday.
I read this positive note to the class - and commended them on their SHARP behaviour in class.
This time of year is also a SHARPly reminder of our School SHARP values: And in your child's home learning book this week is something for you to fill out - how your child is SHARP in your home during the week. I think it's really important that we all work together as a team - and we see awesome behaviour going on in all aspects of your child's life.
S – Safe Sharp Kids learn how to keep themselves and others safe. This means we are always trying to teach children how to make great choices and be a responsible friend/role model to others.
H – Honest Sharp Kids are honest and truthful. We want them to listen to that internal voice that says “treat others the way you want to be treated.” We also want children to know that making mistakes is part of learning in a social sense too. Sometimes this means that you unfortunately say or do something you are not proud of….but the character of a person is knowing when to be honest and say “I made a mistake and I am sorry”.
A – Achieve Sharp Kids have a growth mind-set and know they have the power to learn and change. Just like NED we want our children to “Do their best”; and often our best is a lot better than we thought if we “Never give Up”.
R – Respect Sharp Kids respect themselves, others and their environment. It involves being honest in addition to holding on to a belief “That I am important and so are you.” We encourage our kids to use their initiative to show respect to others by doing small acts of kindness each day e.g.: Offering to help others, making new children and visitors welcome, caring for those that have hurt themselves or need a friend.
P – Pride Sharp Kids have pride in themselves and their family, culture, friends, work, school, sports team, their uniform etc…as this in itself tells you a lot about the character of a person.
I am really enjoying the course I am doing - it is a lot based on relationships with students/families and community.
And using a lot of positive behaviour reminders...
In your child's home learning book this week their is a 'My-self encouragement bubble' for your child to fill out with your help.
Really neat for you to sit down with your child (when you get a moment) ... and fill this in together...
I've got sentence starters and your child completes each sentence:
For maths we are completing 2D/3D shapes and leading the way in multiplication and division:
(There are lots of tricks and trades out there - Pinterest has some good ideas).
Have a really good week:
I'm a good ...runner, I can run really fast.
I'm good at..writing cards to people.
I can face up to ...early mornings.
I'm not a ...giver upper.
I can...sing with a smile.
I can cope with....loud noise.
I LOVE for people.
I'm a good....listener.
(Ms Burt's encouragement bubble).

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