Wow, what a fabulous - filled term we have all had.
This last week has seen a lot of new learning from our local Papawai Marae and then our trip to Te Papa Museum in Wellington.
For some children the trip on a bus to Wellington was a first, for some children visiting Te Papa was a first, for some children going to a marae was a first - How NEAT IS THAT!
A HUGE thank you to our wonderful parent helpers - I loved that you were all hands on and helped out.
The comments I heard over the week have really warmed my heart - the excitement, some the unknown and a lot of children going out of their comfort zones doing a big trip on a bus without their parents or family.
I AS THE TEACHER OF ROOM 7 CHILDREN...felt exceptionally proud of the SHARP behaviour at Papawai Marae.
Please ask your child what this pou represents. It's very special. |
The eels - liking the orange peel. |
Anaru leading Room 7 in some exercises and breathing,,,, |
Leading into the haka.... |
Go the girls..challenge the boys =) |
Miss Burt being a very good student and taking notes. Here Amelia is explaining this pou to us, one of the 1st chiefs to be at Papawai.
Grace, Arna, Katie, George, Sam and Amelia in the Gallipoli exhibition. |
Who is under the soldier's hat? Amelia....???? and Sam.
If you are a facebook parent - please look at the recent updates and photos on there: Greytown-primary (has the dash in it) it's a page - and has photos from yesterday's final assemby etc..
I will update blog with more photos from our auction etc.. I am enjoying seeing some of you being connected via Seesaw - what a great app it is.
Have a safe and happy Easter.
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