Friday, 10 March 2017

The week that was - 6 in SUPER SHARP SEVEN

KIA ORA - and welcome to the week that was - week 6 in Room 7. 
Our SHARP lesson for weeks 6-7 is HONESTY - talk to your child about how they are honest (not just telling the truth) ... honest about taking turns, not touching other people's property without asking, being fair when playing games ie: if you get out....
What are some ways you are honest?

TAKE A soft toy home = caught ya chair. Here is Khalia sharing her diary story about when she took a soft toy home - the children have to give the toy a name, a rating (at staying at their house)...What adventures they got up to - we enjoy listening to these entries. 

Listening to Khalia and her adventures...
 Alphabetical order....For te reo Māori one of our recent lessons is introducing ourselves...and then putting ourselves in alphabetical order of names. The photos below - show the children working in groups...writing on whiteboards, putting names in alphabetical order.
Well done Logan...keep going...

 THE BLACK BOX - this is a great oral language activity.
Every morning I hide something in the black box (if it fits) =)
The children listen to the clues...(and read them)....they put on their Kākāriki hat...THINK. 
What do the clues add up to - what DO YOU THINK IS IN THE BOX? 
Can you work it out from the clues below.....
I must say - the children got it really quick - I was surprised!
 SAFETY IN THE POOL. Our last day in the swimming pool was spent being safety wise - the children took turns wearing a life jacket and sculling using their hands.

I love the thumbs up in the background ....



If your child is the SHARP student - they are able to choose from a list of rewards (worked out by the children - statistics work).
The SHARP student has to write me a note and post it in our mailbox by Thursday- this lets me know what they have chosen to do on Friday.
The rewards are: 15 minutes on the iPad with a friend (doing a suitable activity), wear mufti for a day, special morning tea, 15 minutes handball with a friend.

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