Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Week 2 - Room 7 - 8th February 2017.

Our VERY 1st SHARP student of Room 7 - 2017!

Miss Arna Hopkins!

Today the class and I had a big talk/brainstorm---discussions about being responsible - what it means. 
Arna has shown a lot of responsibility and for a year 3 this is fantastic to see how responsible she has been. 

The photos below show how other children have shown being responsible - wow what a great start to our year in Room 7. 

Fantastic PRESENTATION by Eva - wow I love this!
I have discussed with the class and shown them examples of good presentation. We talked about using different colours, using their best writing so that the reader could read it clearly.

And amazing PRESENTATION by Katie - well done - this is awesome and such a good example of good presentation. 

Working hard at finding someone who had done a certain activity over the holidays.
This is a great activity for the children to mix and mingle with each other, some great talking was going on. 

Playing 21, a firm favourite.
21 is a maths game where the children are in a group - they are only allowed to say 1-3 numbers in sequence, if you are the person left to say 21 you are out. 

21 again....try it at home! Your child can teach you. . . HAVE FUN! And don't get out!!

Here is Aisling showing her SHARP leading of the Karakia. Well done Aisling, a nice strong voice. 

And here is Katie leading the school Karakia - each morning the child who is sitting in the "caught ya" chair leads the class in our Karakia. It is a good leadership activity and it's not too daunting as I help them if need be. The rest of the class join in after the 3rd word. 
Your child may have said something about "caught ya" - this is when they have been caught doing something SHARP. Their name goes into a draw which is drawn daily to then sit in the 'caught ya' chair the next day.
On the day they sit in the chair they get to choose one of our 'reading buddies - soft toys' and this cuddly friend goes home with them alongside a book. 
The book is a diary of what their soft toy gets up to at their house - there have been some adventures by Room 7 children and their toy. 
Below is Aisling and her choice of bear (Mr G)....and WOW look at his flash new crocheted waist jacket - kindly made my Aisling and her Mum. 
Woohoo we have never had quite such a gift for one of our reading buddies before - I just know all the other toys will be quite envious =) (I was!) 
More .... maths FUN! Today I introduced the class to our 'Auction dollars" - more will be explained to you in your child's home learning book. The more auction $$ earned - the more the child gets to spend at the end of the term auction. 
Arna & Taylor did a good job of adding up their $100's....I gave them a $50 to add on...how much now?

We added up to see who had the highest amount of money and the least amount of money.
Quick adding up in 100's and 50's.
If struggling to add in 100's or 50's - the trick is to go back to 10's and 5's.
So double 10 is.....20 so double 100 is 200
Double 5 is 10....so double 50 is 100. 
 AARGH......WATCH out for the 'Super heroes in Room 7.' Thanks to Mrs Reynold's in Room 8 for this fun activity called 'All about me superhero glyph'...
The children had to draw their own superhero following instructions - the instructions were based on things to do with themselves. EG: if you were born in NZ = gloves.
If you have a younger brother = green stripes on arm.
Boot colour - how you get to school.
Length of cape - YOUR AGE....my cape is quite short ;) LOL.....on my real copy - my cape had to go up the page then down again - to get my young age in.
My example on the board I did with the class. 


- Every Thursday is our library day - please remind your child to bring their library books to school.

- Wednesday 1st March - Room 7 will be hosting school assembly.
- Wednesday 1st March - 11am - our swimming showcase (at the school pool)..if we get into the pool this season. (Weather dependent).

Look at this - Masterton A&P show - Al Brown kids cooking class =) wow!!

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