Kia ora - another fabulous week in Room 7 .
Week 2
- Miss Burt away Thursday & Friday at the NZ PB4L conference. Mr Adcock will be teaching, Nick is a wonderful reliever and has relieved at Greytown School for many years. I used to job share with him many moons ago. =)
- Maths and Peace week.
- Tuesday night - Hui at Kuranui College
Week 5 - Monday 22nd: Teacher only day - PLEASE remember this.
We have completed our time unit in maths and next week we start working on multiplication & division. I hope you had a look at the youtube clips on a previous blog update.
Here is a star student - Jordyn and happy birthday. |
A Video Ezy voucher award for Ava & Charlie - for SHARP helping. |
Electives on a Monday & Tuesday afternoon - here we are making hei tiki out of modelling clay. |
Another STAR STUDENT - Dallas for remembering to do our Olympic countdown calendar. |
Some silly time in Room 7 - every morning I do a thing we call "The Black Box" - I put something in the box and give the children clues to guess what it is.
They are encouraged to use their green thinking hat (new ideas) - they 'think - pair & share'
On Thursday a peg was in the of the clues was: This hurts if you put it on your ear.
So here is Charlie - proving that it doesn't hurt that much (LOL) the pink peg!
So Max had a go with a peg on his tongue.... |
followed by Charlie.... |
followed by William..... |
In Room 7 we like to show PRIDE in our work and working space, which includes our cloak bay. Each week a class in our Totara Syndicate gets the trophy for tidiest cloak bay - well we won it twice in a row. The photo below shows Niysa & Jordyn accepting the trophy from Emelia & Francessca.
SHARP SPEECHES in Room 7. ... the photos below show the children with their speech results/certificates.
Niysa, Max, Ava, Kuini, Dallas and Ali. |
A big group of children who scored between 30-33. |
The top 4 scores went to Petra, Campbell, Annabelle and Jacob. |
Hei tiki that our art elective group made. |
Max leading Room 7 in the school karakia. |
Using our clocks for telling the time. These clocks are great they show both the analogue and digital times. |
Kath & Douglas - hard at work. This area of the classroom is Douglas's area - Kath was tidying up the wall for Dougie. |
Douglas loves to help and he is very good. |
For spelling this week we talked about verbs and adjectives (we do this a lot)......the children had to write and draw a verb and adjective about Room 7. Have a look at the two great posters hanging in our classroom.
Woohoo - great speech result by Tyah. Tyah spoke very well - nice and clear and loud. |
Douglas with Fiona one of our teacher aides. Fiona plays hangman with the class (which they love).... |
Super SHARP writing...well done to Petra, Esther & Mackenzie for thorough writing.
An exciting experience. Room 7 made postcards for a girl Ellie in Australia - a group of children alongside me had an adventure to post the envelope of postcards. |
Here they are about to cross the road safely. |
In Sarah's garden....Petra, Mackenzie, Esther, Tyah, Liv, Annabelle & Kuini. |
All addressed, ready to send. |
Gorgeous pic. |
Round the tree - ..... |
So exciting...... |
Free fruit for children in Fresh Choice. |
Jodie serving the girls the stamp. |
We learnt what side we had to post the envelope in. |
Discussing which one to put the mail in.
Douglas has been incredible in leading the class in our school he is leading the class. Afterwards we welcome each other to the new day by shaking hands =)
Mandarin lesson with Shan. The children are doing very good with speaking Mandarin. |
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