Monday, 15 February 2016


In Room 7 we have a grateful jar.We discussed what 'being grateful' means.

The children (in pairs) wrote down something they are grateful for and put the note in the jar. 


I am grateful for a brand new class of wonderful people. 
I am thankful for my mum who looks after me. 
I am thankful for Sacha for helping me.
We are thankful for our mothers and fathers.
We are thankful for a lovely country.
Thankful for nature and food. 
We are thankful for food, pools, rivers and parents. 
I am thankful for having a great teacher ;)
Thanks for the food and clean water. 
We are thankful for the people who go to war. 
We are thankful for food and water.
I am grateful that we have food. 
We are thankful for having nice things like games and things to play with. 

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