Friday, 14 August 2015

One of my best weeks...

Kia ora,
I have to say this has been one of many best weeks!!!  - I am totally blown away by your children.
They have been so SHARP - they have been using their manners, helping each other out, doing fantastic school work, being caring to each other, showing honesty....these photos show just how FANTASTIC THEY HAVE BEEN.
I must admit I feel so proud of them - with Miss Peters - they have been great. And I love the way they have made Miss Peters feel welcome - writing her letters, drawing her pictures, chatting away to her....THIS IS THE CUTEST! I just love it - and this is what it's all about: .....
I love this ...."When you grow up......" 
Look at this - 2 principal stickers....Well done maths by Riley & Maddy.

Miss Burt's great mate Nesta: (Nesta is my nephew and he visited us on Monday to show his Taekwon-do skills). The class loved his display and we were all taught some moves. 
Nesta has Room 7 captivated.
Mr Rei - new teacher. 
Angus doing a wonderful thank you to Nesta. Angus has been working so well on his goal.

SUPER SHARP Maddy - I don't often give out a SHARP award mid week - but on Thursday Maddy showed everything that SHARP represents.Within 15 minutes beginning of school mat time - she was showing SHARP sitting on the mat, SHARP discussion and helping a class mate out - she had put a lovely picture in the mail box for Riley - which really made his morning and then set a snowball effect of other children saying "Ooooh we can write to Riley". And then....look at this maths - not only did Maddy help Riley by encouraging him - but 100% woohoo!

SCIENCE with Miss Peters:
A fab lesson with Miss Peters...the children had great discussion - talking about what they thought would happen during their experiment - and why.
Then discussion afterwards about what happened and why. 
Here is Axel - he had taken a photo of his experiment on the iPad.

 Abigail above & Bailey, Sam and Sam showing their moves (below).

Dylan working hard on his HORROR circus story above =) ohhhhhhhh! LOOK AT THE PEN HE IS USING....spooky

A wonderful SUPER SHARP 7 school assembly was held on Wednesday - the children spoke so well and we had some very nice compliments. 

SCIENCE WITH MISS PETERS - wow we are so lucky to have Miss Peters working with us in Room 7. The class were really engaged and enjoyed participating in this experiment =)

Have a great work everyone. And in the words of one of my favourites Kid President: 


  1. I really enjoyed Nesta visit. Bella.

  2. Yay Bella - big "caught ya" to you =) good on you for reading the blog =)
