Thank you to the parents who came in and helped us on Tuesday & Wednesday - WE DID IT! Enjoy the pics & pics of other things as well =)
Now please note the dates for our "Wearable Arts" showcase - as in the notice that will go home on Monday =)
HOMEWORK: WEEK 2 : The children had a worksheet that is part of our "Keeping ourselves safe" unit - I see this as really important that you discuss this with your child.
The sheet covered FAMILY SAFETY RULES.
10 out of 29 children in Room 7 did not complete this work - PLEASE can you talk to your child about these, it's really important they know what to do.
And some very good discussion was had by the children who did do this and talk to their parent/s.
SHARP listening & discussion skills. Well done to Phoebe, Erana, Bella, Sadie, Evie, Sam T, Sam BG & Abigail =) |
Sharing the iPad with Cuddles - Evie & Erana =) |
Math fun...Seb & Connor.. |
Did you know we have our own circus star amongst us. Jayden's mum Ilse was in on Friday helping Jayden with her wearable art costume - and we discovered Ilse has been in a circus. So the children got a chance to ask some great questions about the circus. |
CORE reading activities: Today the chn. recorded themselves reading using an iPad app. They then played the recording back and listened to it.
After this they had various activities to do - here are Sadie & Ella making their cat faces, after completing their writing/reading activities.
Xaivier & Sam concentration & using the maths equipment...
This is cool!!
I LOVE THIS PHOTO - how busy are Room 7 ??
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