Our SHARP students for week 7 - Imogen & Bailey well done.!!
Fergus leading the class in our school karakia. Each morning the child who is sitting on the 'caught ya' chair leads the class in the karakia.

What a busy bee week last week. The children did well with testing week. I must thank Roze & Fiona our super teacher aides. Riley was away so they were able to help in Room 7 with all the other children - what a blessing they are. Riley is back this week - I'm looking forward to hearing how his holiday went!
See what I mean - here is Roze helping in maths time - pointing out a star shape. SUPER STAR Roze =)
W.O.W - Our "WORD OF THE WEEK" is 'presentation' - I have talked to the children about when they present their work - they do their best best best! We talk about having PRIDE in what we and how they present.
I have been impressed with the 'disaster presentations' so far - the use of technology whether it be keynotes on the laptops or using the iPad apps: puppet pals, picCollage or book creator, certainly help the children to make a good presentation.
Any work your child does at home I ask you to please look at what they do - have a read, get your child to talk to you about what they have done and ask them: Is this your best?
Upcoming dates:
Tomorrow (Monday) I am on my CRT day, I will be at school finishing doing my reading testing. Mr Bleakly is in Room 7 - the children are going to love Mr Bleakly, he relieves quite a bit in our syndicate. He brings his guitar and awesome storytelling. Patrick will be following my daily plan.Wednesday - I have a professional development course with Ms Perry on iPad use in the classroom. This is a timely course for me, as I need refreshing & updating of my skills.
Sunday 21st June: Matariki Garden Working Bee. Our lovely Matariki Garden (planted 10 years ago) has flourished and consequently is now in need of a good trim and prune. The newly formed FrOGS parent group is planning a working bee on Sunday 21st June starting at 9.30am. We would like to invite as many parents, grandparents and students as possible to come along and help to weed, trim and prune, and to also set a pathway through the garden. Our school Enviro Group together with Enviro School’s facilitator Esther Dijkstra, will be on hand to guide the working bee. Morning tea will be provided. BYO gardening tools. RSVP to Ms Leigh Perry: by June 16th lperry@greytownschool.com
Wearable Arts making - DON'T worry this is still coming up. The children are busy designing - and looking at what materials they will need. Thank you to the people who have offered to help - I'll let you know - nearer the time =)
Matariki - 26 June
Matariki celebration (Maori New Year). For those families that would like to attend - 7am we meet by Room 5 and proceed to the Matariki Garden (south field). This is a special event for our year 8 students.
Students-led conferences - 30 June and 1 July
These will be an opportunity for your child to share with you their reflections on how they are progressing towards achieving the goals they set at the beginning of the year. The online booking schedule will be coming out shortly.
3rd July - last day of term 3
Progress reports - beginning of Term 3
Mid-year reports identifying how your child is progressing towards meeting the national standard at the end of the year will be sent home at the beginning of next term.
Thank you for my birthday goodies - I loved the cards the children made - they certainly know me. They had drawn pictures of things I love! |
Some birthday fun for Miss Burt's young 21st ++++ birthday =)
Prodigy - maths online activities.
Great to see some home learning going on - I see 3 parents have linked their child to this - yay!At this stage we're not using Prodigy so much in class - but if your child can access it at home then that's awesome.
My Amelia is loving the site for her math's learning. I just asked Amelia what's so good about it - and she said "IT'S FUN!" - that's good to hear =)
I am sending your child's log in and password home again this week.
These things can help me at home
Key Competencies
ü Help me learn that time and effort
pays off. For example, when I say This is
too hard, say, That’s great because
now you have an opportunity to learn something new.
ü If I make a mistake, celebrate it as an opportunity to learn. Help me to
understand that making mistakes will help me learn.
ü If I feel like giving up on a task, encourage
me to stick at it a little longer and/or to try another way to do it.
ü When I say That’s
good enough, encourage me to ask if it is really my best work.
ü Encourage me to apply the ‘can do’ attitude I
have in rugby to my writing goals.
ü Talk to me about the ways other people might
see issues. Help me see things from a range of different perspectives.
ü Give me increasing responsibility for a task
that will help at home, e.g. I could feed the cat, empty the rubbish on
Saturdays or help prepare dinner on Sundays.
ü Help me to manage my television viewing time by
giving me television tickets. Each week I could be given an agreed number of
tickets that can each be used for 30 minutes of TV time. A variation is that
any tickets remaining at the end of the week could be cashed in for 25 or 50
cents each.
ü Help me see my problems are temporary, by
saying they are glitches, snags or hard
spots and talking with me about things I can do to get through them.
ü Help me to role-play so I can see other
people’s views as clearly as possible.
ü Help me to take more responsibility for my
school things. For example, have me choose a place to put a cardboard box,
perhaps near the door of my room. Every afternoon, I will put my school things
in the box. When my home reading is done, it will go in the box, too. In the
morning I will check the box before I leave for school.
ü Help me to understand and experience the
consequences of my choices.
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