Welcome to week 4 - 23rd-27th February.
Fun Swimming showcase - This Tuesday 10.50am - at our school swimming pool. Rooms 6 & 7 will show you what we have been doing during our lessons. Picnic at 12 noon on the south field.
SHARP STUDENT - Well done Evie on being a good helper & friend to our new Daisy & Abbey.
Our SHARP lesson focus last week was having PRIDE when eating our lunch both in the playground and in the classroom: Eating over our lunchbox, sitting down, sitting in the right places - in the shade.
ORAL LANGUAGE: These photos show some of the children sharing either Cuddles diary or leading the class in the Karakia. Below is Phoebe telling the class what Cuddles did at her house. =)
Angus leading the class in the school karakia.
Our W.O.W (word of the week) was THANKFULNESS - the children talked in pairs about how this means using their manners and saying thank you to people for things they do. We talked about being grateful for our homes, families, food on the table, a good school, friends etc....
Some good discussions comes out of our W.O.W
Week 4's W.O.W is purposefulness - which ties in nicely with the children seeing their goals.
We have started writing goals - the children are setting goals for: In class, friend, SHARP and a home goal.
Talk to your child about what they want to get better at at home.
The class goal is broken up into maths, reading, writing - we talked about that goals are things you set when you want to focus on getting better at something.
To achieve the goal you take it STEP BY STEP.
Focus: Where am I now? (eg. basic facts) ----- Where do I want to be? ----- How am I going to do this?
Below: These are not our words - but in our discussion and brainstorming these words are very similar to what Room 7 came up with.
Goal Setting will be held in week 5 - more information to come about these.
On that note: Most children are achieving these goals of a) filling in their reading log & b) completing homework.
Only about 60% of children completed their SHARP homework - this is the fun part - draw/write how you are SHARP at home.
Certificates will be presented tomorrow.
Sickness - We have had a few children away with coughs, colds, temperatures - we talked in class about washing our hands, blowing our nose, catching a cough in our elbow etc....
Now that we're all back together in close encounters there are bugs around.
I have taken lots of photos - which I will download into a slideshow and post on here during the week.
For maths we are doing statistics - so wheels day fitted in nicely with this.
We did a survey graph on Thursday - HOW WE CAME TO SCHOOL. And then did another graph on Friday - the difference in the bar graph showing HOW WE CAME TO SCHOOL was a good talking point.
The children are learning to read a graph and analyse it.
(pics to come).
On that note: Have a great week! I'll see some of you on Tuesday for the fun swimming. Picnic on the south field afterwards.
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