This week we are looking at Anzac Day and why we celebrate this - if you have anything to share with your child please do.
I know my daughter Amelia was fascinated last year to find out her Great Poppa was in the war and that he had been awarded some medals. Amelia really wanted to see the medals & I had no idea where or who would have them. Well - after a year of hunting WE HAVE FOUND OUT where the medals are and this week Amelia gets to see my Poppa's war medals for the first time. I love history and the fact that you can talk to your child about your own family's history.
God Bless and RIP John Douglas Gates Saxton (Jack).
Anzac day site of interest for the children:
I have just found this awesome website - it might be something your child has a go at doing over the holidays:
Archie with his picture of Cuddles & his friends playing in Walt's drawers. |
Here's Archie showing a pic of Cuddles getting up to mischief in Walt's drawers:
My dad gave me some lovely feijoas and passionfruit...Schalk had never tried passion fruit - here he is trying it - and the outcome? "Oooh that is very sour" |
Claudia's Grandad was on puppy-sitting duty - so he brought (ooh Miss Burt's forgotten his/her name)...the children will remind me tomorrow. |
Auction dollars - Homework rewards.
We are having our first auction this week - I will organise a list of things up for auction so the children can view in advance. We had some good maths from the auction $ results for the term. these photos show what we did:
I put the results into a tally chart & had questions for the children to answer. (The children then had to analyse the information) - some found this quite tricky. Big thing was : Read the graph!
We had some great discussion - the children worked in pairs. We had varying answers to why one person got $700 and another person got $1550.
SHARP STUDENT - week 10. Congratulations to Amy & Lachie - for having PRIDE in their appearance. (We discussed this included their workspace as well!
CONGRATULATIONS Caitlin - one of the winners of the library photo competition. Caitlin took a photo & wrote about it. She won a $10 Lucky Book voucher.
Caitlin needed a helping hand (thank you Grace for being that hand)....3 awards. 1. 1st person to reach 50 nights reading. 2. Friendship award. 3. A Miss Burt award for......
Sausage lunch & lemon drink - Thanks to Mr Preston & R12 for their hard work in this successful fundraiser: Room 7 enjoying their sausages & drinks
Enjoy the holidays - This time in 2 weeks now I'll be in the sky flying to California. I'm really looking forward to going into the schools over there & talking the children. I should also know of some good apps for the children to use on the ipads. One that was suggested to us for maths is Monkey Maths (thanks to Kate Hooper for asking). Take care & I'll see you when I get back.
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